James Meggesto

Akin Gump

Non-Sequiturs: 07.26.13

* The cop who became a global internet meme for pepper spraying protesters at Berkeley is now appealing for worker’s comp, arguing that he suffered psychiatric injury. Pray for him. [Lawyers, Guns & Money] * Ariel Castro has pleaded guilty. Professor Douglas Berman suggests that the death penalty may have made this possible. An alternative theory is that Castro doesn’t think being locked up in a tiny space for years on end is all that bad. [Sentencing Law and Policy] * Navigating the archetypes of expert witnesses based on The Office. [The Expert Institute] * Lawyer arrested for bringing meth into a courthouse. I’d say “better call Saul,” but this sounds more like something Saul would do. [Press Democrat] * An Akin Gump partner, James Meggesto, is in hot water for Tweeting his disdain for a congressman and a Native American chief. For the record, when a tweet opens with “Resisting urge to tweet…”, you’ve failed. [Politico] * This story actually reminds me of the plot to the new BSG series — a networked house can easily be hacked by cylons. Or in this case, Kashmir Hill. [Forbes] * New York’s energy regulations are increasing demand for energy-efficient solutions. The most efficient thing about my apartment is finally getting a break in the heat. [Breaking Energy]

Law Schools

Non-Sequiturs: 01.14.11

* Republicans won’t have Michael Steele to kick around anymore. [Huffington Post] * Akin Gump apologizes for a controversial post on Powerline by partner Paul Mirengoff. [Indianz.com] * Is WikiLeaks responsible for the Tunisian revolution? [Business Insider] * Speaking of Tunisia, MLK Day is important and everything — but maybe, just maybe, U.S. officials in […]